Oscar Alexander Garcia Apps

Summoner Search 1.2
DISCLAIMER: It appears that my app does notreturn information for a number of players. I'm currently in theprocess of creating a new League of Legends app that should fixthis issue, along with improved design and better functionality. Iapologize for any inconvenience.Summoner search is a free search tool that displays importantranked information regarding a searched League of Legends player.Simply type in a summoner name, choose the region, and presssearch!This product is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved inany way by Riot Games, Inc.™ or any of its affiliates.
Summoner Search for LoL 1.1.1
Summoner search is a free search toolthatdisplays important ranked information regarding a searchedLeagueof Legends player. Simply type in a summoner name, choosetheregion, and press search!This product is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approvedinany way by Riot Games, Inc.™ or any of its affiliates.